[VBMA] Understanding and Maximizing Income: How to be a great vet, pay off your student loans, and make a great living

PLEASE NOTE: Student club and organization events are limited to current UC Davis Veterinary Medicine students who are registered SAVMA members. Additionally, many club and organization events are further restricted to club members who have paid their respective club dues.

Event Date

Valley Hall 1020

Join the VBMA and UC Davis SVM alumni Dr. Monica Revel to help understand how to maximize your finances right out of vet school. Dr. Revel is not only owner and founder of the West Hollywood Animal Hospital but is also a retired singer and musician and a mother of three who has performed over 20,000 spays and neuters for Los Angeles area shelters! 

Initially not planning to start her own practice, she found that owning a multi doctor practice gave her the freedom to adjust her schedule to only work when her kids were in school so she would never miss a recital, concert, game, or parent teacher conference, and then pick up more shifts as they got older. Please join us to learn about this amazing speaker!