Kathryn C Conlon

Kathryn C Conlon

Associate Professor

Medicine & Epidemiology

2015, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, National Center for Atmospheric Resear, Boulder CO
2013, Ph.D., University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Ann Arbor, MI
2009, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Durham, NC
2007, MPH, Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Heal, Atlanta, GA
2005, BA, Program in the Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Active Research Grants
Principal Investigator, Extreme weather-related events and environmental exposures in the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, (Principal Investigator), NIH, NIA
Co-Investigator, Early Life Vulnerability to Climate-driven Wildfire Events on Pregnancy and Child Developmental Health Outcomes in Underserved Population, Rebecca Schmidt (Principal Investigator), EPA STAR
Co-Principal Investigator, Assessment and mitigation of wildfire-induced air pollution, Michele Barbato, Ph.D. (Principal Investigator), UCOP, UC National Lab Collaborative Research and Training Award
Most Recent Five Book Chapters
2020 Conlon KC, Austin CM: Climate change and public health interventions, Pinkerton KE, Rom WN, (ed), Global Climate Change and Public Health (2nd Edition), . .
2020 Oura C, Conlon KC, Smith W, Stephen C, Blakely B, Saint-Charles J, Clarke M: Academic and institutional ‘One Health” research capacity building, Zinsstag J, Schelling E, Waltner-Toews D, Whittaker M, Tanner M, (ed), One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches (2nd Edition), . .
2005 Conlon KC: The Paths We Tread: Profiles of the Careers of Minority Environmental Professionals, Dorceta E. Taylor, (ed), Ann Arbor: Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative, University of Michigan – School of Natural Resources and Environment, . .
Ten Recent Publications

Patel L, Conlon KC, Sorensen C, McEachin S, Nadeau K, Kakkad K, Kizer KW
Climate Change and Extreme Heat Events: How Health Systems Should Prepare

Puvvula J, Abadi AM, Conlon KC, Rennie JJ, Herring SC, Thie L, Rudolph MJ, Owen R, Bell JE
Estimating the Burden of Heat-Related Illness Morbidity Attributable to Anthropogenic Climate Change in North Carolina.

Hauser N, Conlon KC, Desai A, Kobziar LN
Climate Change and Infections on the Move in North America

Gronlund CJ, Yang AJ, Conlon KC, Bergmans RS, Le HQ, Batterman SA, Wahl RL, Cameron L, O’Neill MS
Total and direct associations between high temperatures and preterm births in Detroit, Michigan

B Jones HM, MeCray EL, Birkel SD, Conlon KC, Kinney PL, Silva VB, Solecki W, Rogers TM
Understanding Decision Context to Improve Heat Health Information

Bell JE, Brown CL, Conlon KC, Herring S, Kunkel KE, Lawrimore J, Luber GL, Schreck C, Smith A, Uejio CK
Changes in extreme climate events and the potential impacts on human health.