commercial eggs with a hen
As egg prices continue to skyrocket due to the avian flu outbreak, egg farmers are having to invest millions of dollars in biosecurity efforts to keep their flocks safe. (Credit: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

Your Bird Flu Questions, Answered

Good news first: Avian flu does not currently pose a widespread risk to human health. But as it burns through California’s poultry and dairy industries, it’s sickening farmworkers, hitting the state’s agricultural economy hard and jacking up the price of eggs for all.

And it’s causing havoc for wild animals, including right here at UC: The peregrine falcons that nest in the bell tower at UC Berkeley haven’t been seen for two months, and are presumed to have died of the virus.  

“Avian influenza is not new — it has been around for decades,” said Mark Stetter, dean of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. “But what is new is this virus is changing, and it’s changing in multiple ways that have raised concerns lately.”

Stetter spoke at a recent UC Health Grand Rounds, where he joined a panel of experts from UC Davis to share the latest information about the virus — also known as H5N1 — and how it’s affecting people and animals across the Golden State.

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