Rogers Lab 2023


Office of Research and Graduate Education

The SVM Office of Research and Graduate Education provides administrative and financial oversight to several research centers, training programs for both graduate and DVM students, as well as four graduate groups and one designated emphasis. Additionally, our unit provides programmatic support for school-wide research strategic initiatives and coordinates resources to help the SVM faculty leverage their expertise in securing grant and contract funding. Below is a list of units and programs our office specifically supports:

  • Research Centers – Center for Food Animal Health (CFAH), Veterinary Center for Clinical Trials (VCCT), Pacific Southwest Center of Excellence in Vector borne Diseases (PacVec)
  • Student Training Programs – Student Training in Advanced Research (STAR – T35), Veterinary Scientist Training Program (VSTP) and Graduate Student Support Program (GSSP)
  • Graduate Groups – Master of Preventative Veterinary Medicine (MPVM), Graduate Group in Epidemiology (GGE), Graduate Group in Immunology (GGI), and Graduate Group in Integrative Pathobiology (GGIP) and Designated Emphasis in Host Microbe Interaction (DE-HMI)

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*This is not an email for Animal Health-related inquiries. 
Please refer to our Emergency 24/7 page.
Please refer to the navigation on this page for appointments or referrals.
For latest pet research studies, please refer to the studies page.