Contact Information

Contact InformationContact Information

VMTH Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory's Clinical Laboratory Receiving (CLR) is available to assist you.

Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 8:30pm PST
Phone: 530-752-VMTH (752-8684)
Fax:  530-752-5055

Mailing Address: 
Clinical Laboratory Receiving, Room 1033
1 Garrod Drive
Davis, CA 95616

Packages are received Monday - Friday -- no weekend receiving is available. Ship via FedEx or UPS only. USPS deliveries are delayed due to routing through university mail services prior to delivery to our laboratory. Please do not ship for delivery on weekends or university holidays.

Observed University Holidays
New Years Day - January 1st
Martin Luther King Day - Third Monday of January
President's Day - Third Monday of February
Cesar Chavez Day - Last Friday of March
Memorial Day - Last Monday of May
Juneteeth - June 19th
Independence Day - July 4th
Labor Day - First Monday of September
Veterans Day - November 11th
Thanksgiving Holiday - Last Thursday and Friday of November
Winter Holiday - Variable by calendar year, usually December 24th and 25th
New Year's Eve - December 31st