How to Select a Mentor

How to Select a Mentor

So, you've decided to apply for the STAR Program, and you might be wondering just how to go about selecting a mentor for your 10-week research experience. It is highly recommended that you start early, as it may take more than one attempt to make contact.

Here are a few steps to assist you in your search for the mentor that will best meet your needs.

STEP 1: Take a look at the STAR mentor pages. You can search by research topic or alphabetically.

STEP 2: Make an appointment with potential mentors and visit their labs. We recommend meeting with more than one potential mentor before making a decision.

STEP 3: Read the mentor's most recent publications to see if their work aligns with what you're hoping to learn this summer.

STEP 4: Visit the STAR Project Titles page, and look for students that have worked in either the field you're considering, or in the lab of a potential mentor.  Reach out to them via the Students for STAR page and ask about their STAR experience.

STEP 5: Download a list of questions assembled by previous STAR students. These questions are good conversation starters for when you meet with potential mentors. Of course, feel free to add your own questions as well.