Pet Cancer Treatment Highlighted on CapRadio

cocker spaniel laying on rug
Hunter had surgery at the UC Davis veterinary hospital to remove a cancerous mass.

Pet Cancer Treatment Highlighted on CapRadio

CapRadio’s Insight program recently highlighted pet cancer treatment at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. The show featured Dr. Michael Kent, professor of radiation oncology, and Brian Boitano, Olympic champion figure skater. Boitano shared the story of his dog Hunter, who was diagnosed with cancer and received treatment at UC Davis. Boitano is also hosting the school’s 75th Anniversary Gala on June 29.

Pets are considered by many to be family, and so it can be devastating to discover that your animal companion has cancer. Kent has been helping pet owners overcome this challenging diagnosis and talks about how cancers are diagnosed and treated in animals. Kent offered some warning signs for owners to watch for: 

--Any new lump or bump

--Change in appetite or energy level


--Changes in drinking

--Changes in urination or defecation

While these symptoms may not be specific to cancer, Kent says, they can be clues or indications.

“A yearly physical exam as your pet can’t tell you when something is off. You may not see something until it becomes more advanced. Early detection saves lives,” Kent said.

To listen to the complete episode and hear more of Hunter’s story, listen here.


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