Case Study: Dexter

Dexter with owners Anna and Ken Zankel

Dexter: Total Joint Replacement

Dexter was recovering from a femoral head ostectomy (FHO) surgery when he was adopted by Anna and Ken Zankel. But when the FHO resulted in suboptimal results and a bone infection, his owners turned to UC Davis for help.

The solution was a total hip replacement using a custom, 3D-printed titanium implant coated with silver to stave off potential infections.



Dexter - Results of FHO and bone infection seen on a radiograph
Results of FHO and bone infection seen on a radiograph


Dexter - Computer-aided design (CAD) rendering of Dexter’s 3D-printed custom titanium implant
Computer-aided design (CAD) rendering of Dexter’s 3D-printed custom titanium implant


Dexter - Radiograph showing custom implant after surgery
Radiograph showing custom implant after surgery


Dexter post-surgery
Dexter post-surgery


Dexter at a recheck appointment after surgery
Dexter at a recheck appointment after surgery



Dexter - Enjoying his new pain-free life at home
Enjoying his new pain-free life at home

Dexter slowly got better and better. Before, he would yelp in pain whenever he moved his leg in the wrong way. That is gone now.”

—Dr. Denis Marcellin-Little

Dexter with Dr. Marcellin-Little
Dexter with Dr. Marcellin-Little