Hard Knocks for Nox, UC Berkeley’s Youngest Peregrine Falcon

falcon with bandage on wing
Nox recovering at the California Raptor Center at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

Hard Knocks for Nox, UC Berkeley’s Youngest Peregrine Falcon

But thanks to UC Davis veterinarians and other helpers, his broken wing is mending

His three siblings will soon fly away, leaving UC Berkeley to start new lives. But Nox, the youngest peregrine falcon to hatch on the Campanile this spring, won’t be doing the same just yet. Far from home, he’s healing from a broken wing.

“The good news is he’s a real champ,” said Dr. Michelle Hawkins, director of the California Raptor Center at UC Davis, where Nox had surgery earlier this month. His weight is back to what it was pre-surgery, she said in a livestreamed Q&A on Wednesday with Cal Falcons, and although he’s lost some muscle mass in the past few weeks, “we’re really pleased with where he is right now.”

On July 3, Nox was found in distress at the Berkeley Marina. He was retrieved from the water by Bay Raptor Rescue, transported to WildCare in San Rafael and taken on July 5 to UC Davis Veterinary Hospital.

Read full article from Berkeley News

Below: Watch the July 24 live-streamed Q&A with special guest Michelle Hawkins, director of the California Raptor Center, as the group discusses Nox's recovery from his injury & wildlife rehabilitation!


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