VERT Team Honored by State for Camp Fire Response

From left to right: Erin Belleville, Tiffany Liem, Stephen Harris, Dr. Lais Costa, Jasmine Huynh, Dr. Michelle Hawkins, Kristina Palmer, Rachel Mckay, and Kelsey Palsgaard
From left to right: Erin Belleville, Tiffany Liem, Stephen Harris, Dr. Lais Costa, Jasmine Huynh, Dr. Michelle Hawkins, Kristina Palmer, Rachel Mckay, and Kelsey Palsgaard

VERT Team Honored by State for Camp Fire Response

Dr. Howard Backer, Director of the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA), announced the recipients of the California Emergency Medical Services Camp Fire EMS Awards for 2019. The ceremony took place on June 17, 2019 from 1:45 – 4:00 pm at the Laxson Auditorium, California State University Chico. 

"We want to join with the community affected by the Camp Fire to recognize the EMS and healthcare personnel who demonstrated compassion, dedication, and in some cases, bravery, to rescue and support the victims of the fire," stated Dr. Howard Backer. 

The UC Davis Veterinary Emergency Response Team Medical Reserve Corps was one of the disaster healthcare volunteer units that received awards by California EMSA. Dr. Lais Costa, Dr. Michelle Hawkins, RVT Kristina Palmer and 6 sVERT members (Erin Belleville, Jasmine Huynh, Tiffany Liem, Stephen Harris, Rachel Mckay, and Kelsey Palsgaard) attended the award ceremony to receive the Certificate of Commendation.

More information about the VERT MRC deployment:

UC Davis VERT Medical Reserve Corps was deployed to Butte county twice during the Camp fire response. In total, the UC Davis VERT MRC deployed for a total of 19 days with volunteers (11 faculty, 2 RVT and 81 veterinary students who are members of the sVERT club). The first response consisted of triage and the veterinary care of the large animals and birds sheltered at the Gridley Fairground. The second response assisted with the identification and preparation of unclaimed or "stray small animal sheltered at the Del Oro shelter for relocation."
