Group of veterinary students with dogs

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our School is a diverse community of faculty, staff and students with many perspectives and identities.

Recognizing that a diverse, equitable and inclusive community demands sustained effort, continuous improvement and accountability, we are committed to specific actions that: broaden the diversity of our faculty, staff and students to represent the demographics of our society; address racial discrimination and promote social justice; and foster a positive, inclusive climate.

Over the past year, the School has taken many actions to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. An additional working document will continually be updated to show ongoing actions toward DEI goals.

One of those actions has been the formation of the Community Council to address one of the five major goals of the school’s updated Strategic Plan to: “promote a vibrant and diverse community of faculty, staff and students to advance the school’s mission in an engaged and respectful community.”

The Community Council, which met for the first time in August of 2020, is comprised of faculty, staff and students to promote the Principles of Community, improve human welfare, and enhance diversity and inclusion. They will accomplish this by developing community-building activities and programs; encouraging dialogue and communication across all groups; identifying resources to educate the school community on issues such as happiness and generosity; and advancing solutions for work-life integration; mental health and wellness; and diversity, inclusion and equity.