New Study Investigates How Co-Morbidities Influence Antimicrobial Usage During Dental Procedures

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New Study Investigates How Co-Morbidities Influence Antimicrobial Usage During Dental Procedures

Research and collaborations highlight industry need for evidence-based antimicrobial stewardship guidelines

Antimicrobial resistance is classified by the World Health Organization as a major threat to both human and animal health. As part of an ongoing commitment to antimicrobial stewardship, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine collaborated with Mars Veterinary Health, including Banfield Pet Hospital, and the University of Guelph on a new U.S. study published in PLOS ONE that examines antimicrobial use practices in canine and feline patients with co-morbidities undergoing dental procedures.

The study will be discussed in more detail at the 2024 Veterinary Dental Forum in Palm Springs, California on Thursday, September 26 in sessions with its lead author, UC Davis' Dr. Maria Soltero-Rivera, and Mars Veterinary Health’s Dr. JoAnn Morrison.

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