Photo Galleries

Large Animal Reception

Small Animal Reception B

Small Animal Reception A

Class of 2028 White Coat Ceremony
Welcome Class of 2028!Click on the preview to view the full photo.Return to the Article

Advanced Veterinary Surgery Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
August 2, 2023We had a fantastic ribbon-cutting ceremony for our Advanced Veterinary Surgery Cent

2023 Alumni Reunion & 75th Anniversary Kickoff

Vet Med Zoom Backgrounds
Downloadable UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Video Conferencing Backgrounds

2019 Alumni Reunion

VMC Featured Gallery

Cough and respiratory distress - 8 year old cat
Historical diaphragmatic hernia, incidental diagnosis three years ago. The patient has been intermittently coughing for the past few years. The past month, the coughing is more frequent / severe, with respiratory distress. This past week, the patient has had labored breathing. Respiratory distress at the vet today. The patient was referred and on presentation, was cyanotic and was subsequently intubated.

Anatomy of the larynx

Wellness Room

History Gallery