Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

School Celebrates Diversity with Extended Week of Events

The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine celebrated its rich diversity with a two-week-long Diversity Week, packed with events, workshops, and discussions. Organized by students and faculty with the help of Chief Diversity Officer Monae Roberts and the Career, Leadership and Wellness Center, the extended week aimed to create a more inclusive environment and celebrate the school's varied student body.

El Simposio “Equine Essentials” Ofrece Formación Bilingüe


This article in English

El Simposio Equine Essentials de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la UC Davis acogió el regreso de un evento público de educación equina prepandémico, que esta vez ofreció temas en inglés y español. El evento fue organizado por miembros del Club de Medicina Equina, un grupo de estudiantes de veterinaria de la UC Davis que representan al capítulo estudiantil local de la Asociación Americana de Veterinarios Equinos.

Equine Essentials Symposium Offers Bilingual Learning


Este artículo en español

The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine’s Equine Essentials Symposium welcomed the return of a pre-pandemic public equine education event, this time offering tracks in both English and Spanish. The event was organized by members of the Equine Medicine Club, a group of full-time UC Davis veterinary students that represent the local student chapter of the American Association of Equine Practitioners.

VOICE Lunch Talk: Experience of a Black DVM

During a lunch talk hosted by the UC Davis Chapter of Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment (VOICE) earlier this month, Gina Davis B.S. '95, DVM '97 shared her journey as an African American woman navigating the veterinary profession. She took attendees of the talk through her career journey, which started with her undergraduate studies and veterinary school at UC Davis, working in private practice, before returning to the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

Alumni Spotlight - Ken Gorczyca

Dr. Ken Gorczyca, born an 'army brat' in Philadelphia, currently resides in California, sharing his time between the Russian River Valley of Sonoma County and San Francisco. As an active DVM, Ken gives his time and talent to many areas in the field. Some of which are considered non-traditional. Ken is a nature-based veterinary artist and social activist, an End-Of-Life Doula, a researcher in the healing power of the human-animal bond, and an advocate of integrating spirituality into the work of veterinary science.

Alumni Spotlight - Karen Whala

Dr. Karen Whala stands as a testament to the enduring spirit and the transformative power of passion. Born in Pasadena, California, to a modest African American family, Karen's humble beginnings never deterred her dreams. With early fascinations with animals, ranging from reptiles to goats, her childhood was filled with visits to petting zoos and memorable appearances at children’s birthday parties with her menagerie.