Diamond, a 12-year-old pit bull terrier, receives ongoing cancer treatments at UC Davis thanks to support from Petco Love. Diamond was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma, an aggressive cancer that formed a mast cell tumor in her right cheek with metastatic disease to her mandibular lymph nodes. She has undergone seven rounds of palliative radiation treatments to reduce the size of the tumor and improve her quality of life. The radiation treatments delay the tumor from becoming larger and more uncomfortable.
Ollie, a 7-year-old chocolate Labrador retriever, lives his best life with owners Sarah Christie and Dan York of Sacramento. He enjoys plenty of outdoor activities, especially on hunting trips with York or to the family’s second home in Del Norte County in northwest California. But a recent health scare with Ollie alerted Christie and York to a disease they never knew existed and will make their awareness of Ollie’s outdoor activities keener.
Cub, a 2-year-old orange domestic longhair cat, was far too young to be acting so lethargic last May. He was sleeping more and was less active than the other cats in the household. His owner, Grace Jesensky, also noticed his breathing was abnormal, and his primary veterinarian suspected he had asthma.
When their dog Tashi started looking around aimlessly recently, owners Jerry and Arlet Nordeen thought something might be wrong with their beloved 7-year-old Shih-Tzu. When this progressed into bumping into furniture and being hesitant to jump, they took her to see a veterinary ophthalmologist who diagnosed her with detached retinas in both eyes which was taking her vision.
Otis, a 6-year-old pug, has not had the easiest road in life, but thanks to a devoted owner and a dedicated care team, his future seems brighter. Otis was rescued as a very young puppy by Jennifer Newman, an experienced pug owner.
Tuna Sandwich, an approximately 6-week-old female kitten, was brought to the FieldHaven Feline Center by a Good Samaritan after being found abandoned near a Subway restaurant (hence the name). FieldHaven has been a great community partner to UC Davis for more than a decade, presenting many primary care and specialty service patients, as well as clinical trials participants.