
UC Davis Welcomes New Class of House Officers

The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine welcomed 54 new house officers (fellows, interns, residents) into its advanced training programs this year. The School’s House Officer Program is the largest of its kind in the United States with 140 total house officers training in 47 specialty disciplines.

VOICE Lunch Talk: Experience of a Black DVM

During a lunch talk hosted by the UC Davis Chapter of Veterinarians as One Inclusive Community for Empowerment (VOICE) earlier this month, Gina Davis B.S. '95, DVM '97 shared her journey as an African American woman navigating the veterinary profession. She took attendees of the talk through her career journey, which started with her undergraduate studies and veterinary school at UC Davis, working in private practice, before returning to the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

How to Create a Successful Veterinary Practice

Presented by UC Davis Graduate School of Management and UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine experts, the Foundations of Veterinary Business online certificate program is an excellent investment for those considering practice ownership, as well as those who want to take their business understanding to the next level.